About Us

The Ileostomy Association of South Australia Inc (IASA) is a not-for-profit registered charity that supports people who are living with a stoma.

These are people who have generally undergone urinary or bowel surgery to create an opening in the abdominal wall to allow the discharge of urine or faecal matter. The opening is referred to as a stoma and people with a stoma are referred to as ostomates.

The Association assists its members and those who care about them to manage and live with a stoma. We do this in two main ways.

Firstly, we distribute products that are required to be used for the normal functioning of a stoma. These are termed appliances (eg disposable bags) and pharmaceuticals (eg sprays and wipes) and are provided under the national Stoma Appliance Scheme.

Secondly, we provide support and information to members about living with their stoma and how they can access specific assistance as required. We encourage and facilitate peer support groups throughout the State and we also offer Stomal Therapy Nurse clinics for those who may need clinical advice or assessment.

The Association has an annual membership of approximately 2800 members ranging in age from very young children to 100 year olds. About half are male and female, and a third of members live outside the Adelaide metropolitan area.

The Association is managed by a Committee and operated by a small team of paid staff and a group of dedicated volunteers.