Welcome to The Ileostomy Association of South Australia’s new website.

Tue 13 Apr 2021 [09:29]

Welcome to The Ileostomy Association of South Australia’s new website.

We hope you make regular use of the website because we will be using it to communicate with our members on important matters, and to keep you up-to-date on meetings and other events.

We especially encourage you to make use of the on-line order form. This is a great way for you to submit your order for supplies and to make any payments including membership and postage. When you submit an order, you will automatically receive an email (you need to include your email address on the order) that confirms your order details and payments made.

Please explore the site. You’ll find some member information and links to other sites that may be useful. And, you can also volunteer or make a donation to help the Association deliver its services.We are always looking to improve our services to our members and welcome your feedback or suggestions. If you have any comments about the website that can make it better, or about any of the services we provide or could provide in the future, please email [email protected]